Student Solution


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Week 5 Realism and Impressionism_Introduction to Humanities

Week 5 Realism and Impressionism_Introduction to Humanities

Q For this week's discussion, choose realism or impressionism as a basis for your posts and discuss how your choice is manifested in any area of the humanities (i.e., painting, sculpture, literature, music, etc.), and give an example from any discipline in the humanities to illustrate how realism or impressionism influenced the work of art. Please be sure to give an analysis of how the work of art was influenced by the movement.

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Realism was a movement that emerged in Franc around the 1850s and added a new dimension to how life would be viewed and the perspective that would encompass a realistic attitude and move away from the romantic ideals that were prevalent prior to that. The Civil War had created a need for looking back and developing the ideals of liberty and freedom in the society as it started to gain prominence and found expression in the art developed during that time, the paintings, the photographs, the music, the literature, and other forms of expression.